Programmankündigung WS 2022/23

Seminarreihe "Novel Perspectives for Protein Efficiency in Biological Systems"

Vorträge und vertiefende Diskussionen finden jeden 2. Dienstag um 16:00 Uhr (Berlin time) auf ZOOM statt:
Meeting-ID: 896 1908 9240 | Kenncode: iuvE78


Deli Chen

University of Melbourne

Fertilizers, microbes and plant productivity: it's all about efficiency

Host: Markus Rodehutscord


Seth Newsome

University of New Mexico

Tracing the fate of green and brown energy in food webs: multi-channels, mixotrophs, and microbiomes

Host: Jana Seifert


Malcolm Hawkesford

Rothamsted Research

Field phenotyping approaches for nutrient use efficiency in wheat

Host: Christian Zoerb



Gabriela R. Alandia Robles

University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN)

Protein crops in Denmark and Europe: project experiences and future perspectives for plant-protein food development

Host: Sandra Schmöckel


Peter J. Cullen

University of Bristol, School of Biochemistry

Protein efficiency in transport, sorting and recycling - a cellular perspective

Host: Armin Huber



Pieter Knap


Livestock Breeding Concepts to Improve Protein Efficiency in Biological Systems

Host: Jörn Bennewitz


Katharina Scherf

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Proteomics to study quality and nutritional value of cereals

Host: Lutz Fischer



Julia Keppler

Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

Functionality-oriented protein processing – tuning the techno-functional properties of food proteins

Host: Reinhard Kohlus